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Toolkit for QTL mapping and meta-analysis.

APEX: Input file formats

This page summarizes individual-level data file formats accepted by the APEX commands apex cis (for cis-xQTL analysis), apex trans (for trans-xQTL analysis), and apex store (to store variance-covariance / LD information for data sharing or meta-analysis). File formats for xQTL data are generally consistent with those used in the GTEx QTL pipeline.

APEX uses the intersection of sample IDs present across trait, covariate, and genotype files for statistical analysis. Sample IDs need not be listed in the same order across files. Detailed descriptions of input data formats are provided below.

Table of Contents
  1. Genotype data
  2. Molecular trait data
  3. Covariate data
  4. Genetic relatedness and kinship matrices

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Genotype data

Relevant flags: --bcf {FILE}, --vcf {FILE}.
File formats. APEX accepts genotype data in VCF and BCF format. Genotype files should be indexed using Tabix or BCFtools (.tbi or .csi made using tabix or bcftools index). Note that VCF/BCF and molecular trait files should be mapped to the same genome assembly (e.g., GRCh38); see UCSC LiftOver to convert coordinates between assemblies.
Genotype fields. By default, APEX reads from the GT genotype field in VCF/BCF files (formatted as 0/0 or 0|0 for homozygous reference genotype). Specify specify --field DS to instead use imputed genotype dosages (posterior mean alternate allele count) from the DS field (e.g., from Minimac4).
Missing genotypes. We recommend filtering and imputing genotype data prior to association analysis. Genotype imputation software such as Beagle, IMPUTE, and Minimac3/4 can be used to accurately infer missing genotypes using a haplotype reference panel. By default, APEX sets missing genotypes to the mean value.

Molecular trait data

Relevant flags: --bed {FILE}.
File formats. Molecular trait data must be stored in BED file format, compressed using BGZIP, and indexed using Tabix. To BGZIP-compress and index a BED file called ex.bed using Samtools/HTSlib, one can run the command bgzip ex.bed && tabix -p bed ex.bed.gz.
An example BED file with 2 individual samples and 2 genes is below:

#chr  start    end      gene_name        sample_1  sample_2
1     65418    65419    ENSG00000186092  -0.0837   -0.3476
1     827521   827522   ENSG00000225880   1.0369    1.3489

APEX requires the first 4 columns as shown above, where 1-3 (chr, start, end) specify the chromosomal coordinates of each trait (for example, gene transcription start site [TSS] location) and 4 (gene_name) specifies the trait name or label (for example, Ensembl ID). Any additional metadata columns (e.g., specifying strand orientation or other) will be ignored, and APEX will match the subsequent column names (sample_1 and sample_2 in the above example) to sample IDs present in other input files (e.g., genotype and covariate).
Missing data. APEX does not currently support missing molecular trait values. We recommend filtering out traits with high proportions of missingness (e.g., >5%) prior to analysis, and imputing remaining missing values using single-imputation for other missing values.

Covariate data

Relevant flags: --cov {FILE}, -c {FILE}.
File format. Covariate files are stored similar to molecular traits, with 1 row per covariate and 1 column per sample. APEX supports only numeric covariate data; any character-valued categorical variables must be converted to 0-1 dummy variables. For example, below is a covariate file with 4 samples and 3 covariates:

    #ID   sample_1    sample_2    sample_3    sample_4
    PC1   0.0139      0.0145      0.0141      0.0135
    PC2  -0.0097     -0.0059     -0.0025     -0.0064
    PC3   0.0067      0.0096     -0.0036     -0.0041

Uncompressed or GZIP/BGZIP-compressed white-space delimited text files are supported for covariate data. Users are encouraged to verify that their covariate data matrix has full column rank.

Genetic relatedness and kinship matrices

Relevant flags: --grm {FILE}, --kin {FILE}.
File format. Kinship or genetic relatedness matrices (GRMs) can be specified in a sparse matrix format as follows:

    #id1         id2            kinship
    sample_1     sample_1       0.50
    sample_1     sample_20      0.05
    sample_1     sample_22      0.15

If diagonal elements are listed in the kinship or GRM file (rows where id1==id2), then APEX analyzes the intersection of sample IDs present in the GRM/kinship, genotype, trait, and covariate files. Otherwise, APEX fixes diagonal elements of the kinship matrix to 0.5 (or 1 for GRMs), and assumes that any samples not listed in the GRM file (but present in other files) are unrelated. Uncompressed or GZIP/BGZIP-compressed white-space delimited text files are currently supported.