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Toolkit for QTL mapping and meta-analysis.

APEX: xQTL meta-analysis guide

This page describes xQTL meta-analysis using APEX. Once installed, you can quickly get started by running ./apex meta --help.


The command apex meta can be used for xQTL meta-analysis, including single-variant and joint/conditional multiple-variant analysis, from xQTL association summary statistics. xQTL summary statistics should be generated by apex cis ( or follow a simiar format), and study-specific variance-covariance data (only required for multiple-variant analysis) can be generated using apex store.

Table of Contents
  1. Generating QTL summary statistics
  2. Single-variant xQTL meta-analysis
  3. Multiple-variant xQTL meta-analysis
  4. Command line options

Return to APEX main page.

Generating QTL summary statistics

Example command:

 # Generate sumstats
 ./apex cis --region chr1 --bed {study1_bed} --cov {study1_cov} --vcf {study1_bcf} --out {study1_chr1} --window 1000000
 # Generate vcov (covariate-adjusted LD)
 ./apex store --region chr1 --bed {study1_bed} --cov {study1_cov} --vcf {study1_bcf} --out {study1_chr1} --window 1000000

The above commands generate cis-QTL summary statistics and vcov (covariate-adjusted LD) files for downstream analysis from summary statistics. Here, we specify a 1 Mbp window around each gene, and therefore LD will be calculated in a 2-Mbp sliding window. Note: generating LD files can be time-consuming due to compression, and may take several hours. We recommend running the commands one chromosome at a time. See here for information on expected output file sizes.

Single-variant xQTL meta-analysis

Example command:
./apex meta --meta --ivw1 --sumstats {study1_chr1,study2_chr1,...} --out {output-prefix}

Software concordance. APEX single-variant meta-analysis is equivalent to the inverse-variance weighted meta-analysis as implemented in METAL and multiple R packages.

Multiple-variant xQTL meta-analysis

Example command:

Software concordance. Regression slopes and standard errors from APEX multiple-variant meta-analysis (where all studies have unrelated samples) are equivalent to the R regression model lm(trait ~ genotypes + study*covariates, weight = 1/study_mse ), where study_mse is the mean squared error from the null model (no genotypes) fit within each study.

Command line arguments

A partial list of options is given below. Please run ./apex meta --help to see a complete list of command line flags and options.